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Tourist Places In India: 53 Shakti (Sati) Peethas & 108 Devi Places

 First question is, Who is Sati? And next, How did she turn in Shakti Peethas? Shakti Peethas are the strongest places of spiritual energy, people go there #) just for visit, #) for spiritual benefits, #) and for Tantra related Sadhanas and Practices.

Transformation of Sati into Shakti Peethas

In Ancient time-wheel, Sati, wife of lord Shiva, was the daughter of king Daksha. Daksha never liked lord Shiva, so once he organized a big Yagya (Havan) and invited everyone but left lord Shiva uninvited intentionally.

Sati took it lightly and asked lord Shiva to in Yagya together. Shiva already knew the intention of Daksha, so he said, “We will not go uninvited.” Still Satil took it lightly and went alone in Yagya (leaving Shiva behind). Reaching to her father (king Daksha), she said, “Why didn’t you invite my husband?” At this king Daksha insulted the name of lord Shiva in whole assembly where all Gods, Goddesses and other Deities were present.

Sati couldn’t bear the insult of her husband, immediately she jumped in the Havan-Kund and died. When lord Shiva knew all the matter, he sent Veerbhadra, his guard. Veerbhadra killed Daksha. Lord Shiva then took the dead-body of Sati on his shoulder and kept on crying, roaring and moving in anger.

Lord Vishnu knew what could happen if lord Shiva lost himself in intense grief — so he used his Sudarshan Chakra and cut the dead-body of Sati that was hanging on Shiva’s shoulder in various parts. Wherever each part fell, turned into Shakti Peeth. ( See Image, Shiva carrying dead-body of Sati on his shoulder. )

53 Shakti Peethas

Name and Place of Shakti Peethas are below (If you want these name in Sanskrit Strota form, pls read Tantra Chudamani तंत्र चूड़ामणि). If you just read end word of each line either in English or Hindi, you know 53 kinds of Bhairavas.

Place (स्थान) — Bodypart (अंग) — Shakti (शक्ति) — Bhairava (भैरव)
1) Hinguna हिंगुना — BrahmRandhra ब्रह्मरन्ध्र — KottVisha कोट्टवीशा — BheemLochan भीमलोचन
2) Sharkrar शर्करार — TinChakshu तीनचक्षु — MahishMardini महिषमर्दिनी — Krodhish क्रोधीश
3) Sugandha सुगंधा — Nasika नासिका — Sunanda सुनन्दा — Tryambak त्र्यम्बक
4) Kashmir कश्मीर — Kanthdesh कण्ठदेश — MahaMaya महामाया — Trisasndhayeshwar त्रिसंध्येश्वर
5) Jwalamukhi ज्वालामुखी — MahaJivha महाजिव्हा — Siddhida सिद्धिदा — Unmatt उन्मत्त
6) Jaalandhar जालन्धर — Stan स्तन — TripurMalini त्रिपुरमालिनी — Bheeshan भीषण
7) Vaidhyanath वैद्यनाथ — Hriday ह्रदय — JayDurga जयदुर्गा — Vaidhyanath वैद्यनाथ
8) Nepal नेपाल — Jaanu जानु — Mahamaaya महामाया — Kapaali कपाली
9) Maanas मानस — DakshinHast दक्षिणहस्त — Dakshaayini दाक्षायणी — Amar अमर
10) VirjaKshetra विरजाक्षेत्र — NaabhiDesh नाभिदेश — Vimpla विमला — Jagannath जगन्नाथ

Place (स्थान) — Bodypart (अंग) — Shakti (शक्ति) — Bhairava (भैरव)
11) Gandki गण्डकी — GandSthal गण्डस्थल — Gandki गण्डकी — Chakrapani चक्रपाणि
12) Bahula बहुला — Vaambaahu वामबाहु — BahulaDevi बहुलादेवी — Bheeruk भीरुक
13) Ujjayini उज्जयिनी — Kurpar कूर्पर — MangalChandika मंगलचण्डिका — Kapilambar कपिलाम्बर
14) Tripura त्रिपुरा — DakshinBahu दक्षिणबाहु — TripurSundari त्रिपुरसुन्दरी — Tripuresh त्रिपुरेश
15) Chahal चहल — DakshinBahu दक्षिणबाहु — Bhavani भवानी — ChandraShekhar चंद्रशेखर
16) Tristrota त्रिस्त्रोता — VaamPaad वामपाद — Bhramri भ्रामरी — Bhaireshwar भैरवेश्वर
17) Kaamgiri कामगिरी — Yonidesh योनिदेश — Kamakhya कामाख्या — Umanand उमानंद
18) Prayag प्रयाग — Hastanguli हस्तांगुली — Lalita ललिता — Bhav भव
19) Jayanti जयंती — VaamJangha वामजन्घा — Jayanti जयंती — Kramdishwar क्रमदीश्वर
20) Yugadhya युगाद्या — Dakshinagusht दक्षिणगुष्ठ — BhootDhatri भूतधात्री — KsheerKhandak क्षीरखण्डक

Place (स्थान) — Bodypart (अंग) — Shakti (शक्ति) — Bhairava (भैरव)
21) Kalipeeth कालीपीठ — DakshinPadanguli दक्षिणपादांगुलि — Kalika कलिका — Nakuleesh नकुलीश
22) Kireet किरीट — Kireet किरीट —- Vimla विमला — Samvart संवर्त
23) Varanasi वाराणसी — KarnKundal कर्णकुंडल — Vishalakshi विशालाक्षी — Karnikaal कर्णीकाल
24) Kanyashram कन्याश्रम — Prasht पृष्ठ — Sasvarni ससवारणी — Nimish निमिष
25) Kurukshetra कुरुक्षेत्र — Gulf गुल्फ — Saavitri सावित्री — Sthanu स्थाणु
26) Manibandh मणिबंध —- DoManiBandh दोमणिबंध — Gayatri गायत्री — Sarvanand सर्वान्द
27) ShreeShail श्रीशैल — Greeva ग्रीवा — DevGarbha देवगर्भा —Shmbaranand शम्बरानन्द
28) Kanchi कांची —- Asthi अस्थि — DevGarbha देवगर्भा — Ruru रूरू
29) KaalMadhav कालमाधव — Nitamb नितम्ब — Kali काली — Asitang असिताङ्ग
30) ShonDesh शोणदेश — Nitambak नितम्बक — Narmada नर्मदा — Bhadrasen भद्रसेन

Place (स्थान) — Bodypart (अंग) — Shakti (शक्ति) — Bhairava (भैरव)
31) Ramgiri रामगिरि — AnySthan अन्य-स्तन — Shivani शिवानी — ChandBhairav चण्डभैरव
32) Vrandavan वृन्दावन — Keshpaash केशपाश — Uma उमा — Bhootesh भूतेश
33) Shuchi शुचि — Urdhvadant उर्ध्वादन्त — Narayani नारायणी — Sanhaar संहार
34) PanchSagar पंचसागर — Adhodant अधोदंत — Vaaraahi वाराही — Maharudra महारुद्र
35) Kartoyatat करतोयातट — Talp तल्प — Aparna अपर्णा — Vaamn वामन
36) SriParvat श्रीपर्वत —- DakshinGulf दक्षिणगुल्फ़ — Sri Sundari श्री सुंदरी — Sundarnand सुंदरानंद
37) Vibhash विभाष — VaamGulf वामगुल्फ़ — Kapalini कपालिनी — Sarvanand सर्वानंद
38) Prabhas प्रभास — Udar उदर — ChandraBhaga चंद्रभागा — VakraTunda वक्रतुण्ड
39) BhairavParvat भैरव पर्वत — UrdhvaAaust उर्ध्व औष्ठ — Avanti अवंती — LambKarna लम्बकर्ण
40) JanSthal जनस्थल — DonoChibuk दोनोंचिबुक — Bramri भ्रामरी — Vikrataksh विकृताक्ष

Place (स्थान) — Bodypart (अंग) — Shakti (शक्ति) — Bhairava (भैरव)
41) SarvShail सर्वशैल — Vamgand वामगण्ड — Raakini राकिनी — Vatsnaabh वत्सनाभ
42) Godavari-Tir गोदावरी तीर — Gand गण्ड — Vishwveshi विश्ववेशी — DandPaani दंडपाणि
43) Ratnavali रत्नावली — DakshinSkandh दक्षिणस्कन्ध — Kumari कुमारी — Shiv शिव
44) Mithila मिथिला — VaamSkandh वामस्कंध — Uma उमा — Mahodari महोदरी
45) NalHaati नलहाटी — Nalaa नला — Kalika Devi कलिका देवी — Yogesh योगेश
46) Karnat कर्नाट — Karn कर्ण — JayDurga जयदुर्गा — Abhiru अभीरू
47) Vakreshwar वक्रेश्वर — Manah मनः — MahishMardini महिषमर्दिनी — VakraNaath वक्रनाथ
48) Yashor यशोर — PaaniPadhya पाणिपद्य — Yashoreshwari यशोरेश्वरी — Chand चण्ड
49) Attahaas अट्टहास — Osth ओष्ठ — Pullara पुल्लरा — Vishvesh विश्ववेश
50) Nandipur नन्दीपुर — KarnHaar कर्णहार — Nandini नंदिनी — NandiKeshwar नंदिकेश्वर
51) Lanka लंका — Nupur नूपुर — Indrakshi इन्द्राक्षी — Raksheseshwar राक्षेसेश्वर
52) Viraat विराट — Padanguli पादंगुलि — Ambika अम्बिका — Amrat अमृत
53) Magadh मगध — DakshinJangha दक्षिण जंघा — SarvaNandkri सर्वानन्दकरी — Vyomkesh व्योमकेश

108 Devi Peethas (Places) From Devi Bhagwat Purana

Place स्थान — Devi देवी
1) Varanasi वाराणसी — Vishlakshi विशालाक्षी
2) Mathura मथुरा — Devaki देवकी
3) Naimisharanya नैमिषारण्य — LingDharini लिंगधारिणी
4) Pataal पाताल — Parmeshwari परमेश्वरी
5) Prayag प्रयाग — Lalita ललिता
6) Chitrakut चित्रकूट — Sita सीता
7) Gandhmadan गन्धमादन — Kamuki कामुकी
8) Vindhya विंध्य — VindhyaVasini विंध्यवासिनी
9) DakshinMaanas दक्षिणमानस — Kumuda कुमुदा
10) Karveer करवीर — MahaLakshmi महालक्ष्मी
11) UttarManas उत्तरमानस — Vishwkama विश्वकर्मा
12) VaidhyaNaath वैद्यनाथ — Aarogya आरोग्य
13) Gomant गोमन्त — Gomati गोमती
14) Mahakaal महाकाल — Maheshwari माहेश्वरी
15) Mandar मंदर — KaamCharini कामचारिणी
16) UshnTirth उष्णतीर्थ — Abhya अभया
17) ChaitraRath चैत्रतीर्थ — MadotKata मदोत्कटा
18) VindhyaParvat विन्ध्यपर्वत — Nitamba नितम्बा
19) Hastinapur हस्तिनापुर — Jayanti जयंती
20) Mandavya मांडव्य — Mandavi माण्डवी

Place स्थान — Devi देवी
21) KanyKubj कान्यकुब्ज — Gauri गौरी
22) Maheshvaripur महेश्वरीपुर — Swaha स्वाहा
23) Malay मलय — Rambha रंभा
24) Chhagaland छगलंड — Prachanda प्रचण्डा
25) Ekagra एकाग्र — Kirtimaan कीर्तिमान
26) Amarkantak अमरकंटक — Chandika चंडिका
27) Vishw विश्व — Vishwveshwari विश्ववेश्वरि
28) Someshvar सोमेश्वर — VaraaRoha वरारोहा
29) Pushkar पुष्कर — Puruhuta पुरुहूता
30) Prabhaas प्रभास — Pushkaraavati पुष्करावती
31) Kedar केदार — SanmargDayini सन्मार्गदायिनी
32) Saraswati सरस्वती — Devmata देवमाता
33) HimvatPrastha हिमवत्प्रष्ट — Manda मन्दा
34) Tat तट — Paravara पारावारा
35) Gokarn गोकर्ण — BhadraKarnika भद्रकर्णिका
36) Mhalay महालय — MahaBhaga महाभागा
37) Sthaneshwar स्थानेश्वर — Bhavani भवानी
38) Pyoshni पयोष्णि — Pingleshwari पिंग्लेश्वरी
39) Vilvak विल्वक — Bilbpatrika बिल्बपत्रिका
40) KrtShauch कृतशौच — Sihika सिंहिका

Place स्थान — Devi देवी
41) ShriShail श्रीशैल — Madhavi माधवी
42) Kartik कार्तिक — AtiShaankri अतिशंकरी
43) Bhadreshwar भद्रेश्वर — Bhadra भद्रा
44) Utpalavartak उत्पलावर्तक — Leela लीला
45) VrahShail वराहशैल — Jya जया
46) ShonSangam शोणसंगम — Subhadra सुभद्रा
47) Kamlaalay कमलालय — Kamla कमला
48) Sidhvan सिद्धवन — Lakshmi लक्ष्मी
49) RudraKoti रुद्रकोटि — Rudrani रुद्राणी
50) Bhartasharam भरताश्रम — Ananga अनंगा
51) KaalanJar कालान्जर — Kaali काली
52) Jaalandhar जालन्धर — Viswmukhi विश्वमुखी
53) ShaalGram शालग्राम — MahaDevi महादेवी
54) KiskindhaParvat किष्किंधा पर्वत — Tara तारा
55) Shivling शिवलिंग — JalPriya जलप्रिया
56) DevDaruvan देवदारुवन — Pushti पुष्टि
57) MahaLing महालिंग — Kapil कपिल
58) KaashmirMandal काश्मीरमण्डल — Medha मेधा
59) Maakot माकोट — Mukuteshwari मुक्तेश्वरी
60) Himadri हिमाद्रि — Bhimadevi भीमादेवी

Place स्थान — Devi देवी
61) Mayapuri मायापुरी — Kumari कुमारी
62) Vishwveshvar विश्ववेश्वर — Tusti तुष्टि
63) Santaan सन्तान — LalitaAmbika ललिताम्बिका
64) ShankoDhaar शंकोद्धार — Dhara धरा
65) Gaya गया — Mangala मंगला
66) Pindarak पिण्डारक — Dhrati धृति
67) Purushottam पुरुषोत्तम — Vimla विमला
68) ChandraBhaga चन्द्रभागा — Kala कला
69) Sahstraaksh सहस्त्राक्ष — Utplakshi उत्प्लाक्षी
70) Achchhod अच्छोद — ShivDharini शिवधारिणी
71) Hirnyaaksh हिरण्याक्ष — Mahotpala महोत्पला
72) Vena वेणा — Amrata अमृता
73) Vipasha विपाशा — Amodhakshi अमोधाक्षी
74) Badri बदरी — Urvashi उर्वशी
75) PundraVardhdan पुण्ड्रवर्ध्दन — Paatala पाटला
76) UttarKuru उत्तरकुरु — Oshadhi ओषधि
77) Supasharv सुपाशर्व — Narayani नारायणी
78) KushDweep कुशद्वीप — Kushodka कुशोदका
79) Triktu त्रिकटु — RudraSundari रुद्रसुन्दारी
80) Hemkoot हेमकूट — Manmtha मन्मथा

Place स्थान — Devi देवी
81) Vipul विपुल — Vipula विपुला
82) Kumud कुमुद — SatyaVadini सत्यवादिनी
83) Malyanchal मलयाचल — Kalyani कल्याणी
84) Ashvatath अश्वत्थ — Vandniya वन्दनीय
85) Sahyadri सह्याद्रि — EkVeera एकवीरा
86) Kuberaalay कुबेराले — Nidhi निधि
87) Harishchandra हरिश्चन्द्र — Chandrika चन्द्रिका
88) VedVadan वेदवदन — Gayatri गायत्री
89) Ranteerth रामतीर्थ — Ramni रमणी
90) ShivSannidhi शिवसन्निधि — Parvati पार्वती
91) Yamuna यमुना — Mragavati मृगावती
92) Devlok देवलोक — Indrani इन्द्राणी
93) KotiTeerth कोटितीर्थ — Kotvi कोटवी
94) BrahmaMukh ब्रह्मामुख — Saraswati सरस्वती
95) Madhuban मधुबन — Sugandha सुगंधा
96) SuryaBimb सूर्यबिम्ब — Prabha प्रभा
97) Godavari गोदावरी — Trisandhya त्रिसंध्या
98) MatraMadhya मात्रमध्य — Vaishnavi वैष्णवी
99) GangaDwar गंगाद्वार — RatiPriya रतिप्रिया
100) SatiMadhya सतीमध्य — Arundhdati अरुन्धती

Place स्थान — Devi देवी
101) ShivKund शिवकुण्ड — Shubhanand शुभानन्द
102) StriMadhya स्त्रीमध्य — Tilottama तिलोत्तमा
103) Devikatat देविकातट — Nandini नन्दिनी
104) ChitraMadhya चित्रमध्य — BrhamKala ब्रह्मकला
105) DwaraVati द्वारावती — Rukmani रुक्मणी
106) SarvPraniVarg सर्वप्राणीवर्ग — Shakti शक्ति
107) Vrandavan वृन्दावन — Radha राधा
108) Vinayak विनायक — Umadevi उमादेवी


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It is a list of 64 Yogini, if you want these names in Stotra form you can get from another post of this blog. These names are very useful for doing, Jaap, Puja, Tarpan, and Havan. These names are also used in making 64 Yogini Yantra in which there are 64 squares and in each square, name of each Yogini is written, then everyday worship of this Yantra starts.  For Pujan (Poojan): ओं ---------- देव्यै पूजियामि नम: ! (e.g., ओं गजानना देव्यै पूजियामि नम: ! ) For Tarpan: ओं ---------- देव्यै  तर्पयामि नम: ! (e.g., ओं गजानना देव्यै  तर्पयामि नम: !) Together Pujan+Tarpan: ओं ---------- देव्यै   पूजियामि / तर्पयामि नम:: ! (e.g., ओं गजानना देव्यै   पूजियामि / तर्पयामि नम:: ! ) For Jaap : ओं ---------- देव्यै नम:! (e.g., ओं गजानना देव्यै नम:!) For Havan:  ओं ---------- देव्यै स्वाहा ! (e.g., ओं गजानना देव्यै स्वाहा !) Note: in the empty space ( ---------- ) you can fill the name of each yogini f...

Moringa Soup 🍲

I don't like taste of Moringa but as it has a lot of health benefits, I think it should be eaten once in a week or in fifteen days. Health benefits of Moringa leaves Though bitter in taste, it is considered rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It has anti-inflammatory properties, also it is supposed to lower down cholesterol and blood sugar level. It is considered to have numerous health advantages. Where to find Moringa?  Available at any vegetable shop, weekly mandi market or search 'em at online stores. Moringa Soup Ingredients: Moringa cut into 2 inches pieces, onions, garlic, masoor dal (लाल वाली), ginger, shimla mirch, green chili, rock salt, kali mirch, and turmeric powder.

Essential Nyas For A Sadhak To Do Everyday

Nyas means to establish something (Devi / Devta energy) in our body: it purifies our body and makes our body and mind worthy of chanting a mantra / stotra. A Sadhak should do भूत-शुद्धि, बहिर्मातृका न्यास, अन्तर्मातृका न्यास, and षोढा-न्यास daily, 'coz we worship Devta by becoming a Devta, and in that Nyas helps us a lot. In every mantra generally many kinds of Nyas are given prior to chanting a mantra, they are usually shorter and doesn't take much time. They are essential and shouldn't be skipped. These  भूत-शुद्धि, बहिर्मातृका न्यास, अन्तर्मातृका न्यास, and षोढा-न्यास take comparatively longer time duration.  भूत-शुद्धि means purification of five elements in our body, that is Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jal), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), and Ether (Aakash). बहिर्मातृका Nyas and अन्तर्मातृका Nyas, establish  "energy of our VarnMala" in our body-parts and in our chakras respectively.   षोढा-न्यास is of two types Lagu Shoda Nyas and Maha Shoda Nyas.

Nutritional Diet Plan (Raw) To Any Disease

It may help in any kind of chronic disease -- we just need to learn how to prepare them.  Things to eat / drink: Smoothie Salad / fruits / vegetables Steamed vegetables (when raw vegetables are difficult to eat.) Juices Soup Coconut Milk Cold-pressed edible virgin coconut oil (to be taken as raw one to three teaspoons a day.) Taste enhancers: Chutney / Tahini / Kokum etc. Crushed "garlic, ginger, raw turmeric, raw amala, green chilly" (It is v. good) Banana Icecream (sometimes, not to be eaten regularly, as it may slow down digestive fire.) Once in a day Moon Dal and brown rice. Soaked peanuts and dry-fruits in lower quantity initially. We need to choose what to eat in breakfast, lunch, evening-snacks and dinner. In raw diet, we need to eat a lot.  Just open Youtube and search for "Smoothie" you may get plenty of videos, like that you can search for Soup, Chutney and other items. Try to use above diet plan for a week. Also one needs to check nutritional deficiency f...

Shap Vimochan & Shapoddhar (शाप-विमोचन एवं शापोद्धार) of Shri Batuk Bhairav Mantra / Stotra

The meaning of "Shap" is "Curse," many mantras / Stotras are cursed / Keelit by Rishis and Devatas to stop their misuse. If powerful thing goes in wrong hands, only misuse happens. To remove that Shap, or say to unlock them some Vidhis (methods) were used to be given. So, below is like that. (Pls also consider Utkeelan Mantra & Stotra of Shri Batuk Bhairav .) The Shap Vimochan (Shapoddhar) Vidhi of Shri Batuk Bhairav Mantra / Stotra is as the followings: Before chanting Batuk Bhairv Mool Manta / Stotra, 1) chant below mantra ten times, 2) and Batuk Stav for once. मन्त्र: ॐ ह्रीं बटुक ! शापं विमोचय विमोचय ह्रीं क्लीं । बटुक-स्तवः ॐ वृन्दारक - प्रकर वन्दित - पाद - पद्मम्, चञ्चत् - प्रभा - पटल - निर्जित- नील पद्मम् ।  सर्वार्थ साधकमगाध दया समुद्रम्, वन्दे विभुं बटुक - नाथमनाथ - बन्धुम् ।।1 ॥ 

Why Two Types Of Navratri Are More Popular

Navratri comes four times in a year: 1) In Chitra (Vasant) Maas, 2) In Sharad (Ashwin) Maas, 3) In Ashadha (आषाढ़) Maas, and 4) in Magh Maas. As it is written in the following Shaloka: चैत्रे आश्विने तथाषाढे, माघे कार्यों महोत्सवः। नव रात्रे महाराज! पूजा कार्या विशेषतः ।।  Generally, we are told that two Navratri are for public and rest two Navratri are called Gupt Navratri. These two Gupt Navratri are for the Sadhak --- but it isn't the exact fact. All four Navratri are for general public and for all dedicated Devi Sadhak, there is no secret. Fact is during the time of Chaitra and Sharad, weather changes a lot -- so there are chances of getting diseases. During Navratri due to fasting and purification, all kind of diseases can be avoided, that's why these two Navratri gained significance among public.