It may help in any kind of chronic disease -- we just need to learn how to prepare them.
Things to eat / drink:
- Smoothie
- Salad / fruits / vegetables
- Steamed vegetables (when raw vegetables are difficult to eat.)
- Juices
- Soup
- Coconut Milk
- Cold-pressed edible virgin coconut oil (to be taken as raw one to three teaspoons a day.)
- Taste enhancers: Chutney / Tahini / Kokum etc.
- Crushed "garlic, ginger, raw turmeric, raw amala, green chilly" (It is v. good)
- Banana Icecream (sometimes, not to be eaten regularly, as it may slow down digestive fire.)
- Once in a day Moon Dal and brown rice.
- Soaked peanuts and dry-fruits in lower quantity initially.
We need to choose what to eat in breakfast, lunch, evening-snacks and dinner. In raw diet, we need to eat a lot. Just open Youtube and search for "Smoothie" you may get plenty of videos, like that you can search for Soup, Chutney and other items. Try to use above diet plan for a week. Also one needs to check nutritional deficiency for things like vitamin D3, B12, Omega3, Magnesium and other vitamins and minerals.
And be in touch with five elements daily:
Things to avoid:
- Animal milk and its products
- Fried / Oily items
- Cheese / Paneer / Ghee / Butter
- Packaged food
- Food containing preservatives
- All kind of Junk foods
- All food items containing gluten
- Non-veg
- Tea & Coffee
- Tobacco & Alcohol
- Hard to digest items
- White rice
- Artificial / chemical supplements
- White sugar (Chini)
Main things to study about:
- Gut health (good bacteria and bad bacteria.)
- Digestive fire
- Fasting
- Raw Diet
- Vitamin and minerals required to a human body
There are many diet systems these days and plenty or webinars about that -- each one of us needs to adjust our food according to our body. What may suit to one person may give allergy to other person. Our food is our ultimate medicine when we eat not for our taste buds but for our body's nutritional health.
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