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List Of 33 Crore Devi Devata

Once I visited a temple, someone told me that temple had 33 crore Devi & Devata engraved on the temple walls. I couldn’t count ‘coz there were lots of; I tried to search later on but couldn’t find any list of them.

Since my childhood I’m listening the same thing too “there are 33 crore Devi & Devatas of Hindu people.” Perhaps, I’ll find the list one day, but below is some important things which we should know.

It is 33 Koti (कोटि) देवी - देवता, so now we count this number 33.

12 Aditya + 8 Vasu + 11 Rudra + 2 Ashwin Kumar = 33. This is now 33 types. It is said, this word “Koti” has two meaning: one is type (प्रकार); second is crore (करोड़). In fact below is of 33 types, but they look to me just Purush Gods, there is no Goddess in them — but this is what popular these days on social media.

12 Aditya (आदित्य): 1) अंशुमान, 2) अर्यमन, 3) इन्द्र, 4) त्वष्टा, 5) धातु, 6) पर्जन्य, 7) पूषा, 8) भग, 9) मित्र, 10) वरुण, 11) विवस्वान और 12) विष्णु

8 Vasu (वसु):1) आप, 2) ध्रुव, 3) सोम, 4) धर, 5) अनिल, 6) अनल, 7) प्रत्यूष और 8) प्रभाष

11 Rudra (रुद्र): 1) शम्भु, 2) पिनाकी, 3) गिरीश, 4) स्थाणु, 5) भर्ग, 6) भव, 7) सदाशिव, 8) शिव, 9) हर, 10) शर्व और 11) कपाली

2 Ashwin Kumar (अश्विनी कुमार): 1) नासत्य और 2) द्स्त्र

If you have a list of 33 crore Hindu Devi Devatas, then pls let me know in comments.


AK, 2023/08/10 at 2:54 am [ Can you (author) please share the name of the Temple if possible..!! I think we’ll be closer to a definitive answer with a little more research in and around the temple..But all thins said and done.. at the end there is only one god in sanatana Dharma.. which is the parabrahma or Brahman whose essence is spread across the 33 or 33Cr devathas of our Hindu Pantheon

Anonymous,2023/03/03 at 2:45 pm  [ It is 33 Koti Not 33 crore devi devta]

Tanuu, 2022/10/25 at 4:23 pm [ in reply to Chandra Krishna Malsom There are no 33 crores of gods there are only 12 adityas 8 vasu 11 rudra 2 ashwin kumar

Adityas :
1) अंशुमान, 2) अर्यमन, 3) इन्द्र, 4) त्वष्टा, 5) धातु, 6) पर्जन्य, 7) पूषा, 8) भग, 9) मित्र, 10) वरुण, 11) विवस्वान और 12 )
8 vasu :
1) आप, 2) ध्रुव, 3) सोम, 4) धर, 5) अनिल, 6) अनल, 7) प्रत्यूष और 8) प्रभाष
11 rudra :
1) शम्भु, 2) पिनाकी, 3) गिरीश, 4) स्थाणु, 5) भर्ग, 6) भव, 7) सदाशिव, 8) शिव, 9) हर, 10) शर्व और 11) कपाली
Ashwin Kumar:
(अश्विनी कुमार): 1) नासत्यऔर 2) द्स्त्र ]

Chandra Krishna Malsom , 2021/12/18 at 2:17 pm [Is there any person having list of name of 33 crores gods and goddesses of Hindu dharma?
If so, then kindly upload the same. It is necessary to know. ]

Ramachandra Sathua, 2020/01/18 at 7:00 am  [33 crores of GODS in Hindu religion may not be a fantasy. Revelation of Truth (GOD) to each individual consciousness be a GOD to him. Even a pebble ( Salagram) is being worshipped as GOD in Hinduism. ] 

Suraj Singh, 2018/03/30 at 9:39 pm [ There are only 33 devtas and 9 devis or energy form this is true according to vedas.]


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