Puja enhances our devotion to our Deity, and it is not an expensive affair we can learn to do it ourselves. Puja makes our heart-center (Air element) stronger, as our devotion increases it is bound to be happen.
It is written in Fetkarini Tantra, about 18 kinds of worship (Puja). I think during Navratri, Holi, Deepawali (Lakshmi), Ganesh Chaturthi, MahaShivRatri and during all major festivals, Panchopachar Puja isn't sufficient one should go for either Shodosopchar Puja (16 types) or below 18 types of Puja.
Try to do this in Navratri or at the time of Ganesh Chaturthi, because during these two festivals most of the Hindu do Murti Visarjan (point 18).
आसनावाहनं चार्घ्य, पाद्यमाचमनं तथा। स्रानं वासोपवीतिं च, भूषणानि च सर्वशः ।।
गन्धं पुष्पं तथा दीपं, धूपोऽत्रं चापि तर्पणम्। माल्यानुलेपनं चैव, नमस्कारो विसर्जनम् ।।
अष्टादशोपचारैस्तु, मातृ पूजां समाचरेत् ।।
Means:1 आसन, 2 आवाहन, 3 अर्घ्य, 4 पाद्य, 5 आचमन, 6 स्नान, 7 वस्त्र, 8 उपवीत (जनेऊ), 9 आभूषण, 10 गन्ध, 11 पुष्प, 12 धूप, 13 दीप, 14 तर्पण, 15 पुष्प-माला, 16 सुगन्ध-लेप, 17 नमस्कार, and 18 विसर्जन.
These 18 kinds of Puja is called उपचार Puja in 18 ways.
5 + उपचार = Panchopachar.
10 + उपचार = Dasopachar.
16 + उपचार = Shodashopchar.
like that.
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