This kind of Mansik Puja mantras you may find in most of the Puja / Sadhana books. It is better to memorise these mantras, with them, we can do Puja to any Devata / Devi while we are traveling or we don't have much time to do external Puja or when we are bedridden. Mansik Puja doesn't have much constraints, simply we can do it by running our mind's imagination.
- ॐ लं पृथिव्यात्मकं गन्धं परिकल्पयामि। ( मैं पृथिवीरूप गन्ध ( like चंदन) आपको अर्पित करता हूँ।)
- ॐ हं आकाशात्मकं पुष्पं परिकल्पयामि । ( मैं आकाशरूप पुष्प आपको अर्पित करता हूँ।)
- ॐ यं वाय्वात्मकं धूपं परिकल्पयामि ( मैं वायुदेवके रूपमें धूप आपको प्रदान - करता हूँ।)
- ॐ रं वह्नयात्मकं दीपं दर्शयामि । ( मैं अग्निदेवके रूपमें दीपक आपको प्रदान करता हूँ।)
- ॐ वं अमृतात्मकं नैवेद्यं निवेदयामि। (मैं अमृतके समान नैवेद्य आपको निवेदन करता हूँ।)
- ॐ सौं सर्वात्मकं सर्वोपचारं समर्पयामि। ( मैं सर्वात्माके रूपमें संसारके सभी उपचारोंको आपके चरणोंमें समर्पित करता हूँ।)
In above mantras we took things from the five elements: earth, ether (Akash), air, fire, and water. Earth has Lam Beeja; Akash has Ham Beeja; Agni has Ram Beeja; Water has Vam Beeja. So this is kind of a standard in Mansik Puja.
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Image credit: Sreekumar K. S., CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons |
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