These Bhoot Dana, Pret Dana, Peeshach Dana, Kala Dana, Chudial Dana are used in different ways according to different Guru Parampara. Price of these things aren't fixed (anywhere between rs 150 to rs 3500 or perhaps more) and most importantly not everyone knows if they are original or duplicate.
According to my knowledge, they may be used in three different ways.
Case 1: To wear these 5 ot 7 kind of Dana in the neck for protection.
Case 2: To use them in havan. People use them to capture negative energy in some earthen pot and instantly go to Ganga to dispose it in the running Ganga. It is said when negative energy is left at holy Ganga it never returns.
Case3: For doing Utara by using certain mantra.
I currently have no knowledge from which plants these kinds-of-Dana belong, if I have that knowledge in future I will update here.
Image Credit: © Tomas Castelazo, / Wikimedia Commons |
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