He wrote many books like Brihat Samhita and Brihat Jataka. He was a well known astrologer (Jyotishacharya) of his time period; even today, his books are read to become expert in astrology (Jyotish). Here is the story, how did he got the name “Varaha” that was meant for a “boar?”
His name was Mihir — in English we put additional alphabet sometimes like, Mihir+a — an astrologer, keen interest in astrology and its predictions.
Once a king called him in his court for prediction about his son. He predicted that his son would be killed by an animal, Varaha, at certain day and at certain time.
King arranged all the security to protect his son. He put his son at top of the palace and it was protected by hundreds of guards in every direction, so that no animal like Varaha could enter the palace.
No animal could enter the palace from outside but the big statue of Varaha, that was a royal sign of the king, somehow broke and fell and hit the head of his son at that exact day and exact time.
Since that time Mihir is known as Varaha Mihira.
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