Your deity may be your Guru, some Peer like Sai Baba, Shiva, Hanuman, Bhairava, Ganesh, Kartekeya (Murugan), Kali, Durga, Tara, Dhoomavati, Chhinmasta, Tripura-Sundari, Lakshmi, Sharada — I mean whoever is your Kul-Devi / Kul-Devata or suggested by your Guru or you have made yourself without any Guru.
Grace without hard work :It comes when you have done enough hard work in your past lives. You get all the spiritual growth as your mind matures (can adjust). You automatically get in the flow of the God, it comes so naturally as taking breath.
Grace with hard work: It comes when one does consistent Sadhna, months by months and year by year. There is no shortcut or fraud in this, your deity knows everything: your intention, your purpose and your level of maturity. Don’t publicize, keep this secret and keep on doing hard work. Until when? Don’t ask. Your heart will tell.
Accelerating grace with three things
It is when 1) you wakes up from sleep, 2) goes to bed to sleep, 3) leaves your place to go outside (market, office or to meet new people). In these timings you have to remember your deity: 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds — any one time duration of them is enough. If you chant mantra in your sadhana, then chant mantra few times let’s say 3, 5 or 7 in those timings; if you chant some strot in your sadhna in place of some mantra, then chant that strot in those three timings.
It will take hardly one week to program your mind and for second or third week — it will be much easier for you.
There are many advantages of doing so.
#) It is sure, that by doing above you accelerate the grace of your deity; apart from Sadhna, you try to remember your deity at crucial timings.
#) When you go to sleep you enter in another dimension, and in that all kinds of things happen: bad dreams, good dreams, fear of being alone and so forth. When you sleep while chanting the mantra / strot of your deity — your mind remains in control and you turn hopeful and positive. You enjoy another dimension with your deity.
#) When you comes from sleep and open your eyes, your mind is fresh and heart is pure — in that time if you chant the mantra / strot of your deity, it will help you throughout the day. As we becomes wherever we concentrate, so better to begin the day with our deity.
#) The outside world is different from your place (home): you get all kinds of people, one who want to hurt and one who want to save; you don’t know what can happen next, ‘coz world isn’t equal, it exists in disharmony. So better to go in that environment by chanting the mantra / strot of your deity.
When you get unlimited grace of your deity, what remains impossible for you — though you may get what you deserve.
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