This festival is celebrated on Bhadon Amavasya, this day Rani Sati is worshiped by offering her जल कलश, प्रसाद, नारियल फूल, चावल, रोली, पूड़ी, चूड़ी, सिन्दूर, लड्डू इत्यादि. It is said, she sat in holy fire to end her life.
The word “Sati” has three meanings: 1) one for Rani (queen) Sati, 2) second for Goddess Sati (wife of lord Shiva), 3) and third “Sati” refers to a practice where a woman gives herself to fire to end her life; both Rani Sati and Goddess Sati ended their lives by that.
These day “Sati” practice is no more, and legally a woman can do another marriage in case his first husband expires.
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