This festival name is Putrada Ekadashi, this Vrat falls on Paush Sudi Ekadashi. Though “Putra” means son; but it doesn't mean doing Vrat & Puja this day will only give a baby boy. For Gods and Saints, there is no difference between girl and a boy, even they give preference to girl, ‘coz she represents Goddess, the Shakti.
It happens once, a childless couple went to a Saint in hope for a baby, the Saint blessed him for a baby girl ‘coz he was the worshiper of the goddess. Later on this childless couple also visited the Saint’s disciple, and asked him (which they shouldn’t) for a baby boy, he blessed them so. No the problem started, ‘coz one blessed a baby girl, other blessed a baby boy. The Saint got angry ‘coz the baby would become the third gender. Later on, the disciple took his blessing back, and with Saint blessing (which were already given) born a beautiful baby girl.
So on Putrada Ekadashi, lord Vishnu is worshiped and childless couples pray him for babies. Those who already have children, pray to lord Vishnu for their health and long life.
Putrada Ekadashi Vrat Katha
Once a King and Queen didn’t have any children. So they gave up their kingdom and started living in a jungle. There lived Saints, they knew the problem with their Yog-Shakti and asked them to worship lord Vishnu on Paush Sudi Ekadashi. They returned and worshiped lord Vishnu not just that exact time but the whole year, each day. After a year they got babies and lived happily.
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