Hit buy Psoriasis? It worries everyone a lot. It’s not that normal disease, that goes in a week. Yes it can go in an hour when the background of this disease becomes clear, I think without background, without the support of the background no chronic disease can exist. It is the background from where it gets its power, its juice, then it spreads all over the body little by little. And a person just suffers.
This background may be your emotional and mental problems; your suppression and your anger for something, that hit not outside but your own body. The background may be your past lives karma, when the karma gets exhausted, the disease goes. Whatever, we should do our best, to end this disease — by taking proper medicines and doing charity for destroying our bad karma. By taking proper medicines and doing evil deeds side by side, no one can become emotionally and mentally healthy.
Below are Homeopathic medicines for Psoriasis that I found from different Repertories, you can by Homeopathic Materia Medica from Amazon, and and can read about each of the following medicine (general, worse, better, mind, skin, male, female, neck, etc.,).
Pathak [Psoriasis]
Ars-io; Berb-aq; Bor; Clem; Dul; Grap; Kali-m+; Mang; Merc; Pho; Phyt; Psor; Radm; Ran-b; Sep; Sul; Thyr; Tub+; Itching without: Cup-ac; Scales, shining+:Iris.
J.H. Allen (D & H Therapeutics of the skin) [Psoriasis]
Arum; Ars’ Iod.ars; Calc; Duc; Graph; Iod; Lyc; Mer.sol; Nitr.ac; Petr; Phos; Psor; Sep; Sulph; Teur; Tub; Medorrh.
B.P Gupta (Encyclopaedia of Homeopathy) [Psoriasis]
Ars; Ars.iod; Lyco; Mang; Phyt; Sep; Rhus; Sul; Iris
Rajan Sankaran (The Sensation in Homeopathy, p288) [Psora-miasm, anti-psoric]
Calc; Cob; Cupr; Ferr; Graph; Kali-c; Lyc; Nat-c; Nicc
Kent [Psoriasis]
Alum; Amor; Am-c; Ars; Ars-i; Ar; Bor; Bry; Bufo; Calc; Calc-s; Canth; Carb;ac; Chin; Clem; Cor-r; Cupr; Dulc; Iod; Iris; Kali-ar; Kali-c; Kali-p; Kali-s; Led, Lob, Lyc; Mag-c; Mang; Merc; Mere-c; Merc-i-r; Mez; Nit-ac; Nuph; Petr; Ph-ac; Phos; Phyt; Psor; Puls; Ran-b; Rhus-t; Saar; Sars; Sep; Sil; Sulph; Tell; Teur; Thuj.
Boericke [Psoriasis]
Ant-t; Ars; Ars-iod; ; Aster; Aur.m.n; Berb.aq; Bor; Carb ac; Chrysler; Cio; Cic; Coral; Cupr.ac; Fluor.ac; Graph; Hep; Hydrocot; Iris; Kali ars; Kali brm; Kali s; Lyc; Mang.ac; Merc.aur; Merc.s; Mur.ac; Naph; Nat ars; Nat.m; Nit.ac; Nit mur.ac; Petrol; Phos; Platanus; Sep; Strych ars; Strych-p; Stellar; Sul, Tereb; Thuya; Thyr; Tub; Ustil;
Psoriasis of Palm: Calc.c; Coral; Graph; Hep; Lyc; Med; Petrol; Phos; Selen.
Psoriasis of prepuce, nails: Graph; Sep.
Psoriasis of tongue: Graph; Mer.ac; Sep.
Note: it might be errs in writing medicines names, so don’t take them too seriously. Pls buy lots of Homeopathic Repertories to see number of medicines for psoriasis. Also read bunch of Dr. Rajan Sankaran books to understand case-taking and sensation method (that is very good).
Homeopathic Repertory: for getting list of medicines for a disease / emotional or mental problem.
Homeopathic Material Medical: for getting detail of each medicine (listed in a Repertory).
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