If you are beginner in Photoshop, learning shortcut commands may be useful. Here is the list, I'll keep on adding to it time to time as I learn new commands.
Remember 'em first:
# Use "shift" for adding to selection.
# Use "alt" for subtraction from selection.
# Use "shift+alt" to get intersection area.
# Use "[" to decrease and "]" to increase the size of the cursor (i.e., brush).
Undo - Redo
# Use ctrl+alt+Z for "undo" and ctrl+shift+Z for "redo".
# You can also use F12 to restore an image (File>Revert).
# Also can use "history panel" for getting back to any state of change ( window menu > history ).
- z + click to zoom in any part of image
- z + alt + click to zoom out
- ctrl + spacebar to zoom in
- ctrl + alt + spacebar to zoom out
- ctrl+0 image to fit-in in canvas
- ctrl+1 100% zoom
- alt + scroll-up to zoom-in
- alt + scroll-down to zoom-out
- select zoom tool or hold z > draw a rect to zoom-in
- bird's eye view : h + click , put the rect where to zoom-in
- at bottom left, you can ring your zoom value | select that, press ctrl, move curser left, right
- V = move tool; you can use it to move an image, as well as dump it on another tab.
Selection Tools
- M = rectangular marquee; shift + M = elliptical marquee; other are row/column marquee
- L = lasso tool; shift +L = polygonal lasso tool; once again, shift+L = magnetic lasso tool
- W = quick selection tool; shift+W = magic wand tool
- Q = toggle quick mask mode
- X = to switch b/w foreground and background
- Lasso tool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AqwrAJYf5Q while using Lasso tool, hold "alt" then release the mouse, it will convert in Polygonal Lasso tool on the fly.
- Polygonal Lasso tool: # Press "alt + click, drag" it will change Polygonal Lasso tool into Lasso tool. # Remember "paste into" is very good => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCuWiMBrD4.
- Magnetic Lasso tool: # Use "Backspace" to delete the anchor points one by one. # Use "Frequency" (top middle) to set the number of anchor points. # When CAPS On, Magnetic Lasso will turn in a circle, to increase/decrease size of this circle use "Width" (top middle) -- or --- use "[", "]" to make the circle smaller or bigger. # To increase "Contrast" (top middle) use period ".", to decrease use comma ",". ### While using Magnetic Lasso tool, press "alt+click, drag" it will switch first to Polygonal Lasso, then to Lasso tool, and when you release "mouse" it will switch back to Magnetic Lasso tool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-m3loHVbJw.
- Quick Selection tool: #Remember "refine edge" at top middle. # This video is also good to understand how to select hair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI-9Mr7cLBY. Adobe "refine edge " tutorial: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/how-to/photoshop-refine-edge.html.
- Magic Wand tool: # More "tolerance" (top middle), more pixels "magic wand tool" will select. # See how "contiguous" works in video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rYF2vkVcuw.
- Quick Mask Mode tool:# press "x" to switch b/w "background" and "foreground", color -- then use "brush" to add or remove from selection. And remember, white reveals; black conceals. # see "refine edge" in video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8tzRiztxBs.
Guides, Grids, Ruler
- ctrl+' = to get grids on an image; to get the center of an image=> ctrl+K > guides, grids > gridline every 50%, subdivisions 1.
- ctrl+r = to get the ruler
- guides = press ctrl+r first, then drag the guides from top and left
- ctrl+; = to make the guides disappear
Crop & Slice
- C = to get crop tool; shift+C = perspective crop tool; again, shift+C = slice tool; and again, shift +C = slice select tool
- Non destructive crop: uncheck at top middle "Delete Cropped Pixels"
Eye dropper tool; 3D Material eye dropper tool; Color sampler tool; Ruler tool; Note tool; 1-2-3 Count tool
- i = crop tool; shift +i = material eye dropper; again, shift+i = color sampler tool; again, shift+i = ruler tool; again, shift+i =note tool; again, shift+i = 1-2-3 count tool.
- alt+click on any part of an image = to change the background color; press X to swap.
Spot healing tool, healing brush tool, patch tool, content aware move tool, red eye tool
- J = spot healing tool; shift+J = healing brush tool ; again, shift+J = patch tool; again, shift+J = content aware move tool; again, shift+J = red eye tool
- Path tool helps in making the exact copy of the target area.
Brush tool, pencil tool, color replacement tool, mixture brush tool
- B = brush tool; shift +B = pencil tool; again, shift+B = color replacement tool; again, shift+B = mixture brush tool
Clone stamp tool, pattern stamp tool
- S = stamp tool; shift+S = pattern stamp tool
History brush tool, art history brush tool
- Y = history brush tool; shift+Y = art history brush tool
Eraser tool, background eraser tool, magic eraser tool
- E = eraser tool; shift + E = background eraser tool; again, shift+E = magic eraser tool
Gradient tool, paint bucket tool, 3D material drop tool
- G = Gradient tool; shift + G = paint bucket tool; again, shift + G = 3D material drop tool.
Blur tool, sharpen tool, smudge tool
- I couldn't find any short cut for them
Dodge tool, burn tool, sponge tool
- O = dodge tool; shift+O = burn tool; again, shift + O = sponge tool
Pen tool, freedom pen tool
- P = pen tool; shift +P = freedom pen tool
(Text) Horizontal type tool, Vertical type tool, Horizontal type mask tool, Vertical type mask tool
- T, and shift +T to rotate among tools.
Path selection tool, direct selection tool
- A, and shift +A to rotate.
Rectangle tool, rounded rectangle tool, ellipse tool, polygon tool, line tool, custom shape tool
- U, and shift+U to rotate among tools.
Hand tool, rotate view tool
- H = hand tool; R = rotate view tool
Don't forget them:
press tab, to toggle left and right panels.
press tab + shift , to toggle right panel.
press tab (2times) > hover mouse to left panel or right panel to make 'em visible
press f for toggle full screen - OPACITY
if any tool in left panel is selected, you can change opacity by directly dialing any number. - DELETING PIXELS USING BACKSPACE
with Magic Wand or with some other tool, select something + press Backspace, to delete them. - Inorder to rotate photoshop has to rewrite each pixel of an image.
- ctrl+shift+I = to inverse selection
- ctrl+D = to deselect
- q = to toggle on/off quick mask mode
- shift+f1 = color theme to go darker; shift+f2 = color theme to go lighter
- ctrl+tab = to switch b/w images; also, ctrl+shift+tab
- spacebar = to bring hand tool on the fly
- ctrl+shift+x : filter menu > liquify
Useful in resizing of text, and other properties
- ctrl+shift+, = to minimize by "1"; ctrl+shift+alt+, = to minimize by "5"
- ctrl+shift+. = to maximize by "1"; ctrl+shift+alt+. = to maximize by "5"
- ctrl+ mouse scroll down = value decreases; ctrl + mouse scroll up = value increases.
Which shortcut commands in Photoshop are your favorite ones, pls let me know in comments.
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