OL is ordered list, see example:
<li> America </li>
<li> England </li>
<li> France </li>
UL is unordered list, see:
<li> America </li>
<li> England </li>
<li> France </li>
In both OL and UL, <li> stands for "list."
In HTML5, DL stands for description list, it works like the following way:
<dt> Milk Brands:v</dt>
<dd> Amul</dd>
<dd> Mother Dairy</dd>
Here dt/dd is name/value; dt stands for "name" and dd stands for "value."
Note: if your are beginner then understanding OL and UL is very important, they are used in many ways, and most common use of them is in building "menu."
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