Medical technical names are just the mess, that make you forget the original names of the plant that you may find in your home or in surroundings. If you read the Homeopathic technical names of Tulsi, Giloy, Papaya, Neem, and Ashwaganda such wonderful Aushadhis, you will never know what they are. I don’t understand why they do hide, they are useful, very useful Aushadhis even in Ayurveda. The popular Indian names of these Aushadhis should be written in bracket along with their medical technical names, at least Indian companies who make Homeopathic medicines can do that. It will help increasing their sales along with increasing health advantage to the people.
Tulsi, Giloy, Papaya, Neem, etc., they are such an immunity booster, you will surprise what good thing they can do for your health. The famous Bhargava’s Ague Nil syrup for increasing platelets uses these Aushadish in its composition. I think these Aushadhis can be taken regularly (on alternate days) in Mother Tincture form for health advantages. And for Homeopathic medicine, SBL brand is the best, when other brands sell homeopathic medicines at high price (due to balance import cost, I think).
So here are technical Homeopathic names of wonderful Aushadhis. In Indian villages, they are in plenty. And in Satvik Hindu homes, you may find Tulsi in most of the homes whether in village or in
city.- Tulsi - Ocimum Santum Q
- Giloy - Tiospora Cordifolia Q
- Papaya - Carica Papaya Q
- Neem - Azardirachta Indica Q
- Ashwagandha - Withania Somnifera Q
They are considered best to take in Mother Tincture form. With the help of a good Homeopath, you can know the names of other Ayurvedic Aushadhis in Homeopathy, such as Adrakh, Long, Kalimirch, Ilaechi, Daalchini and many others; mostly are used in kitchen — in their Homeopathic proving you can understand about each of them, what they can do for your health. There are many other good Ayurvedic Aushadhis, that I don’t know myself; you need to explore about them yourself. I’m such a beginner, you know.
VIJAY SINGH, 2020/11/11 at 11:30 am [बहुत महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी है।इसके लिऐ धन्यवाद देता हूं। ]
Sharad, 2020/07/17 at 5:46 pm [I have just purchased all five, How to use please guide urgently ]
Admin, 2018/12/20 at 2:19 pm [ In reply to Somnath chattopadhyay. You may study Materia Medica for additional knowledge how do they work and act / react with each other.]
Somnath chattopadhyay , 2018/09/20 at 7:55 pm [ 1)Can I prepare this combination at home??then what is the ratio among this medicine?? 2)can I add arjun q with this combination??]
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