I couldn't find any suitable plug-in for writing Hindi in my WordPress Blog, then I tried this.
वर्डप्रेस पर भी मै इसी से लिख रहा हूं. Now I switched to English pressing "Windows key + Space-bar key," You can also switch back-and-forth from Right-Bottom-Corner of your Desktop or Laptop.
How to get it functioning for your Wordpress, Blogspot Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Word or Notepad — I tell you, it's so easy, like 2 minutes noodles.
- Step 1 : Download it - http://www.google.co.in/inputtools/windows/
- Step 2: Control Panel > Language > Advance Setting [In both Drop-down list, select "Use language list (recommended)"; and next, in Switching input method, select (check) the first option; press "Save" and close the Control Panel.]
- If you don't find it at Right-Bottom-Corner, try by restarting your PC / Laptop.
I installed this Google Input Tool on Windows 8.1, if you have any problem in using it, let me know in comment box.
I found a problem with it, like, in Google Docs, while writing Hindi you can choose alternate words by pressing numbers, but this feature didn't work in it.
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