I loved AdSense Plugin For WordPress, it was easy to use. But when I received an email telling me about AdSense Plugin for WordPress is going to be deprecated, immediately I switched to QuickStart Ads. I found it easier to use than AdSense Plugin for WordPress.
Here is the part of email that I received from Google:
Dear Publisher,
In the coming months we’ll be deprecating the official AdSense Plugin for WordPress. You’re receiving this email as you’re currently using the plugin for your WordPress site.
What is happening?
The official AdSense Plugin for WordPress will be deprecated in May 2017. You will no longer be able to edit your ad settings and ad units directly through the AdSense Plugin. Your existing ad units will keep showing ads but you won’t be able to make any changes.
And they suggested either using QuickStart Ads or Custom Ad Units. As my preference was with QuickStart Ads, I tell you how to do that for your WordPress blog just in a minute:
# From your WordPress Dashboard, remove AdSense Plugin from your blog.
# Go to your AdSense a/c > My Ads > Page-Level-Ads, and now from the right side click “< > Get code”. And now paste it (as I did) before closing of </head> tag. Something like the below. Just open your header.php from WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Editor; and do it.
<!-- AdSense Codes -->
<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-##############",
enable_page_level_ads: true
<!-- AdSense Codes -->
Here I use <!-- comments in b/w --> for comments in codes. If you have any problem switching from Plugin to QuickStart, just let me know.
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