He is still with this name "Bennami," means "not with a name." Story goes far back when he was born, as a child no one bothered to give him a name; not even his parents and relatives.
He kept on growing, people had problem "how to call him"— so they started calling him Bennami. And as years passed by it turned into his name. He passed years of his life with being called Bennami.
This is what happens with uneducated people, they put a name which has no meaning. And educated people want to cheat with this process "Benami"; and government put a law to curb black money with this name.
If you are looking for The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016 —pls read from prsindia.org, and, lawcommissionofindia.nic.in. This term you can find across popular websites like The Hindu and Business Standard.
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